Saturday, July 31, 2010

oh weekends...

Well as I stated before I am in Vancouver, WA (a suburb of Portland) for the summer.  well my time here is coming to an end in 2 weeks from tomorrow.  So much is changing in the next couple of weeks. 
This week I have to pick up my bridesmaid dress on Wednesday.  Fly to San Antonio on Friday and go to the Bachelorette party.  Saturday is the bridal brunch and rehersal, sunday is the wedding, and Monday I fly back to Portland.  The following week I have my Goodbye lunch with my department, then I have to drive the 70 miles to the headquarters in Bingen to do my exit enterview and attend the end of summer Intern BBQ with the CEO on Friday the 13th.  That night my mom flys in to help me clean/pack up the car and we leave on Sunday the 14th. We are hoping to drive to Reno by sunday night.  Monday we are driving to vegas and stopping.  Tuesday will be spent in Vegas and I am looking forward to getting to spend time with my Mom! Wednesday we will drive to Alborqueque, NM and then finally get into Lubbock, TX by Thursday night to move into my Condo. I have to be back at work at 8am on Friday the 20th while my parents put together my furniture and help unpack my stuff.  Saturday will be unpacking and relaxing.  Sunday I say goodbye to my parents and I have to work.  man, this is going to be a loing 3 weeks becuase school starts the week that I get back into Lubbock!!

Now that I have bored you with my plans for the next three weeks, I just want to say I have been so annoied the past half a day becuase the pipes at my apartment have been messed up and  backed up the sinks in my kitchen and so it was DISGUSTIUNG! but they just got it fixed and I am a much happier camper.  I am now going to head to the gym and then go pick up some food from Fred Meyers for the week.  I may even rent a movie but Im not sure yet!

Hope your weekends are fabulous!


  1. Wow, you are one busy lady. You will get a lot of activity points with as much as you will be moving around. What is Fred Meyers?

  2. Thats what my next 3 weeks looks like too! I have to move into my new apartment and clean my old one haha.

  3. Fred Meyers is a grocery store chain in the Pacific Northwest. its pretty awesome its like a regular grocery store but they also have walmart type stuff, clothes tvs and things like that!

    Good love with your move @journey, I packed up my apartment at school in May moved out here and now I get to pack up out here and move back to school into a new Condo, I am SO tired of moving!
