Saturday, July 31, 2010

oh weekends...

Well as I stated before I am in Vancouver, WA (a suburb of Portland) for the summer.  well my time here is coming to an end in 2 weeks from tomorrow.  So much is changing in the next couple of weeks. 
This week I have to pick up my bridesmaid dress on Wednesday.  Fly to San Antonio on Friday and go to the Bachelorette party.  Saturday is the bridal brunch and rehersal, sunday is the wedding, and Monday I fly back to Portland.  The following week I have my Goodbye lunch with my department, then I have to drive the 70 miles to the headquarters in Bingen to do my exit enterview and attend the end of summer Intern BBQ with the CEO on Friday the 13th.  That night my mom flys in to help me clean/pack up the car and we leave on Sunday the 14th. We are hoping to drive to Reno by sunday night.  Monday we are driving to vegas and stopping.  Tuesday will be spent in Vegas and I am looking forward to getting to spend time with my Mom! Wednesday we will drive to Alborqueque, NM and then finally get into Lubbock, TX by Thursday night to move into my Condo. I have to be back at work at 8am on Friday the 20th while my parents put together my furniture and help unpack my stuff.  Saturday will be unpacking and relaxing.  Sunday I say goodbye to my parents and I have to work.  man, this is going to be a loing 3 weeks becuase school starts the week that I get back into Lubbock!!

Now that I have bored you with my plans for the next three weeks, I just want to say I have been so annoied the past half a day becuase the pipes at my apartment have been messed up and  backed up the sinks in my kitchen and so it was DISGUSTIUNG! but they just got it fixed and I am a much happier camper.  I am now going to head to the gym and then go pick up some food from Fred Meyers for the week.  I may even rent a movie but Im not sure yet!

Hope your weekends are fabulous!

Friday, July 30, 2010

I think I can I think I can...I KNOW I CAN!

So this past week I tried the Wendie plan and I lost 2 pounds. So I am only up 1 pound since the beginning of June. I have been working hard and I am hoping to be below that once I am back in Lubbock in less than 3 weeks now.

I worked out really well this week and I am just going to try to focus on eating what I want while staying in my points rather than focusing on eating as low of points as I can because I feel like that is why I haven’t been losing as much. I haven’t been eating very many of my weeklies and I am hoping that eating some will help me to lose some more weight in bigger chunks. I am averaging about .9 pounds a week, which isn’t bad I just want to lose more!

No plans this weekend as usual since I don’t really know anybody here in Portland. I am going to work out tonight and work on packing for the wedding in San Antonio next weekend while watching TV/movies, and relaxing this whole weekend. I am getting antsy to get back to Texas and hopefully I can keep the momentum with my WLJ!

I bought a food scale this week to keep myself more accountable and I can already tell that my portion sizes were off. So here to a good week end of tracking and relaxing!

Starting weight: 214.8

Weight July 21st: 204.0

Current Weight: 202.0

Goal Weight: 146

Total Loss: 12.8

Weight left until Goal : 56

Sunday, July 25, 2010

LOVE working out!

These past couple of says I have been going to bed semi early because I am so tired from working out so much! this is good though, I don't get much sleep when I am in Lubbock during the semesters because I have a pretty active social life.
Thursday was my night off from the gym, thank goodness!
Friday-worked until 2 went grocery shopping got some more veggies! I went home and changed for the gym.  I wanted to try to do a repeat of the day 3 week 3 of C25K (I did about 15 min of it) but my knee was hurting me so I did 30 min on the elliptical instead.  I also did some machines and some nice stretches.  all in all at the gym I earned 7 activity points.  I also got to Skype with my friend Jenny who is studying abroad in south east Asia.  she is 14 hours ahead so it was like she was in the future!
Saturday I woke up early and went to heather and got my hair done...LOVE IT!!
Here's some before and after pictures!

then Saturday afternoon I went to the gym and did 30 min on the elliptical and earned 7 activity points.  I think I earned more because I was doing intervals and so I had the resistance up higher making me heart rate be higher.  THEN Saturday night I did something I never thought I could do.  I made spaghetti squash, like I cooked it and scraped it and everything.  It was quite an accomplishment.  and to boot it was delicious! o points for the squash, 1 point for 1/2 cup of pasta sauce and 3 points for the chicken, not a bad meal and SUPER filling!

Sunday(today): I woke up and went to a  new church, even thought I am only in Vancouver, Wa for a couple of more weeks and only one more Sunday, I really felt called to go to church and I am so glad I did.  I really felt God in the room and the message really spoke to me.  This put me in a really good mood so I went to the gym this evening and did 45 min on the elliptical doing intervals the whole time.  I really pushed myself and burned 900 calories! I felt fabulous! I had some extra points today so I treated myself to some Panda Express orange chicken and fried rice.  I know it is not the best choice but I had the points and we are aloud to splurge if we plan it in!
I just feel really good about this week and I want to keep my workout momentum going! I am going to Cardio Kickboxing tomorrow night and then Tuesday night is my night off from working out so that I don't have a lot of water/lactic acid retention for my WI on Wednesday. 

Thursday, July 22, 2010

come on body, work with me here!!

Well. This was not the week I was expecting. Let’s recap

Wednesday (14th) WI…gained .4, went out and had a few drinks. Used 36 points (27 DP & 9 WP)

Thursday (15th) 30 day shred earned 5 activity points used 23.5 points (23.5 of 27)

Friday (16th) relaxed! Used 23.5 DP (23.5 of 27)

Saturday (17th) shopped and relaxed! Went out on the town for a birthday and had drinks! 30 day shred 5 activity points. Used 35.5 points (27 DP and 8.5 WP)

Sunday (18th) relaxed, got bridesmaid dress altered, it was almost a size to big! Used 29.5 points (27 DP 2.5WP)

Monday (19th) worked all day, then tried to do day 3 of week 3 on C25K, but again could only get through half my legs hurt so bad! 4 activity points earned. Used 24 points (24 of 27 DP)

Tuesday (20th) joined LA fitness walked/jogged until class began about 40 min, then did a Latin heat class where we took no breaks, an AMAZING hour of cardio! Earned 14 activity points. Used 30 points (27 DP 3 WP)

Summary: 28AP, 23 WP.

Those stats seem good right? Well…WRONG! Verdict from the scale…2.6lb gain :(

Yesterday I weighted in and after that I could have given up, and gone and eaten my whole apartment but instead I went to the gym and did day 3 of C25K (that I couldn’t finish before) and I stayed on the treadmill for another 5 min. The last run all I kept saying in my head was skinny skinny skinny, because I need some motivation! I did some weights also and ended up getting 6 activity points

Wednesday 7/27 menu:

B-bagel thin, laughing cow cheese (2)

S-90 cal granola bar (2)

L-ham and cheese sandwich (3) carrots (0)mango(2) frozen grapes (1) WW key lime pie yogurt (1)

D- arbys jr deluxe value meal (11) (still hungry ugh!) sliced chicken breast sandwich (3) hostess 100 cal cakes(1) jello pudding (1)

(Stayed within my points)

Today’s menu:

B: bagel thing, laughing cow cheese, WW string cheese (3)

L: Pita Pit (Chicken, ham, spinach, avocado, Swiss, whole wheat pita) (9), baked sour cream and cheddar ruffles (3)

D: not sure but I have 12 points left and I’m trying out the Wendie plan so I can have 1 WP today so I can have a 13 point dinner!

I hope that eating more veggies and working out more will finally pay off next week, my motivation is running low :(

Friday, July 16, 2010


Yesterday was a much better day; I was determined to not let my slight gain wear me down!

I also did something new last night. I cooked, yes I COOKED fresh veggies. I can’t cook, but last night I made a delicious dinner! For about 6 points! I was super full!

I had grilled chicken, a roasted onion alternative bagel with French onion laughing cow cheese on it and a cooked vegetable medley of zucchini, yellow squash and green beans. I grilled the chicken with some season all on the George foreman and the veggies I sliced and sprayed a skillet with olive oil and put some Mrs. Dash’s original (to try to cut down on my sodium intake) and I just cooked them. It took maybe 20 min max and was DELICIOUS!!

I am soo proud of myself!!

I worked out last night and got 5 AP by doing 30 day shred day 2. I don’t have hand weights so I used 2 cans of ravioli, I’m not planning on it eating it anyways it might as well have some use before I donate it to a food drive! I didn’t even end up eating all of my DP yesterday; I ended up with 3.5 left :)

Tonight I am going to do Shred again then have a big salad with black beans and chick peas and chicken and some garlic toast. And I’m thinking of renting a movie and just relaxing, since I don’t really know anybody here yet. I may sit out on my patio and read a book since I enjoy the warm (read warm...not hot haha) evenings in Washington, since they are just hot in Texas.

One month until I go back, and I cannot wait! I miss everybody so much!!

Have a fabulous weekend :)

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Das Boot!


Well yesterday was my WI and I was hoping that it would be better, I gained .4 :( putting me at 201.4 I am trying to be more honest with myself and one of those steps is knowing what I’m doing wrong. So I’m going to look at my WLJ so far and see what is going on…

Week 1- 214.8

Week 2- 209.2 (5.6 loss)

Week 3- 207.2 (2.0 loss)

Week 4- 209.4 (2.2 gain) *Moving!*

Week 5- 210.0 (.6 gain) *moving/starting new job*

Week 6- 206.6 (3.4 loss) finally in a habit, and working out

Week 7- 201.0 (5.6 loss) started Zumba

Week 8- 204.0 (3.0 gain) went back to TX for a weekend of drinking, eating and wedding

Week 9- 203.0 (1.0 loss)

Week 10- 202.0 (1.0 loss)

Week 11- 202.2 (.2 gain) went camping with interns, had no control over menu, but LOTS of hiking

Week 12- 201.0 (1.2 loss)

Week 13- 201.4 (.4 gain)

I have lost a total of 13.4 which is an average of 1.12 lbs lost per week. BUT for the past 6 weeks I have been “stuck” between 201.0 and 204.0. I want to break through this sooo bad!

So this week I am going to try the Wendie plan. Were you eat a certain amount of WPs to optimize weight loss. We’ll see how this goes!

I am so going to try to get my 20 APs this week. I haven’t gotten any yet but I am working out tonight!

Last night we went out for Kara’s birthday and I allowed myself to feel sorry for myself (after my gain) and have a few beers. I took a couple sips of Kara’s birthday boot!

Today I had to drive to Hood River, OR (about 63 miles) to where the headquarters of my company is for an intern lunch with the CEO. IT was fun! I backed a lunch incase our options weren’t that healthy. They had sandwiches and I ate half of one, and some fruit. I skipped the chips, cookies, and soda, GO ME!

Here is a picture of my drive back along the Columbia River, sooo pretty!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Imperfection is Beauty...

Man, what a day today! I had a few projects to work on today at work, YAY! but I still had lots of time to check out the weight watchers message boards, I even started a thread wanting to know how the different ladies met there special someone, it was fun to see how cute and in love these girls are!
At lunch I went to the Nautilus headquarters to give blood, which I felt good about because I HATE needles! they had trouble getting my blood to flow fast enough so they had to wiggle the needle a bit, which is why my elbow is so sore!

After that I treated myself to an iced skinny vanilla latte, only 2 points!After work I came home and heated up dinner, and watched the episode of 'HUGE' that I missed last night, not really sure I like the show, but it gives me something to watch while eating dinner.  After that I set out to make a blog!! I took a break to do day 1 of '30 day shred' by Jillian Michaels, I was so sure it wouldn't be that hard, but man I was sweating by the end of it! I ended up burning 500 calories in 28 min, yes that's how out of shape I am!!
Well here is my menu for today:
    Alternative Bagel sweet Wheat- 1 point
    Weight Watchers Cream Cheese- 1 point
    Weight Watchers Cherry Cheesecake Yogurt- 1 point
    90 calorie chocolate chunk granola bar-2 points
    Ham and Cheese Sandwich-3 Points
    Baby Carrots- .5 point
    Mixed Fruit- 1.5 points
    Weight Watchers Amaretto Cheesecake Yogurt- 1 point
    hostess 100 cal chocolate cake snack- 1 point
    Starbucks Grande Iced skinny Vanilla Latte- 2 Points
    Whole Wheat Pasta, grilled chicken, Broccoli-10.5 points
    Alternative Bagel-roasted onion with garlic bread powder-1 point
    Mixed Fruit-1 point
Daily Points Used: 26.5
Points unused: .5

With my work out tonight met my goal of getting 20+ Activity Points this week, I got 21!! yay!
I am not sure I will be able to post tomorrow because after work tomorrow I have WI/Meeting and then I am going to Prost! German bar in Portland to celebrate Kara's (My English TA while at Clemson) 28th Birthday.  I am limiting myself to 2 beers(but of course my favorite beer there is 4 points, but I am planning this in, and I am completely okay with dipping into my weekly points, as long as I am planning on it.  I don't like to dip into my weekly points when its because I don't plan or because I am bingeing). 
as for the WI tomorrow, I want to get to 'onederland' as they call it on the boards, which is below 200lbs.  I am sitting at 201.0 right now, and I have gotten to this exact weight about a month ago, but went back to Lubbock for a wedding and over ate and drank and gained 3 lbs. It took me the last 4 weeks to lost that 3 pounds, which is awful! but I am hoping that all of the working out I have been doing will help me get past this HUGE milestone, so Skinny vibes my way please!!

I hope everybody has a fabulous today tomorrow!!

"Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius and it's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring." — Marilyn Monroe